Friday, October 3, 2008

Hello New York! October 3

What a day! We battled really strong winds and an up flowing current most of the day so it took from 7 am to 4pm to get to the big city. Finally we passed under the George Washington Bridge and the scenery really changed. When we arrived we decided to splurge on a marina berth. Mostly a good idea but it meant docking in really strong winds, a rapid current and waves coming from all kinds of large boats. There are a few moments of fear and rapid heart beats and then - zap - its done and we are here! At the bottom of 79th street in Manhatten. And wouldn't you know it, an hour later Pete Seeger's boat "Clearwater" docks beside us! It is used for environmental education and was full of school kids getting some fine experiential learning. How cool is that? You can check it out at

Then off we went to attack the street. Four blocks from the boat is Broadway - teaming with people, stores, firetrucks. More than we've seen for a couple of weeks, that's for sure. Christopher is looking to see where Bert and Ernie might live since their street is in New York! We think we may have found it. Our venture out was mainly for groceries and not any big shows. Not sure how much sight seeing we'll do since we will be watching the weather for an opportunity to head off the coast a bit to point the boat south.


Unknown said...

Very cool to imagine the contrasts you are experiencing on this trip. I love Christopher's photos and your descriptive updates. Thanks for sharing all this with us. Kim

Anonymous said...

Shirley, Dave and Christopher...George clued me in to your blog and I've been enjoying your posts. I wish you all the best on your journey!

Unknown said...

Sound very exciting with something new each day. I still feel apprehensive at lift out after 30 some yrs so you must have nerves of steel. Good luck I'll follow along.

Rick BS&BC